CEO & President
Honorable Genevieve Whitaker, J.D., M.P.M, M.C.J. , CPM®
The Whitaker Consultant Group, LLC is owned and operated by Genevieve Whitaker,
a Certified Public Manager, who holds a law degree, a Master's degree in Political Management, a Master's Degree in Criminal Justice (Strategic Management in Criminal Justice), and Executive Education Certificates from Oxford and Harvard, founded by her in December of 2008. CEO Whitaker established WCG as a means to transform business development in the U.S. Virgin Islands by applying new-age technology tools to critical areas of business start-up, redevelopment, and maintenance. With over 10 years of experience in financial management, having managed federal grants, and most recently being certified in an accounting software utilized for clients, she offers this expertise to future clients. Additionally, she has partnered with a federally certified microlending and small business loans company. WCG’s lead consultant, Genevieve Whitaker, is a sought-after communications expert in internet marketing and research, a political consultant who has worked on national and local campaigns, a legal professional consultant in case management, and has worked for over 25 years in the legal arena. WCG offers services in Business, Strategic and Operations Plans 3.0, Financing and Financial Management 3.0, Legal research and drafting, political analysis, nonprofit administration & management, marketing, event planning, professional/technical career consultation, internet media broadcast production & management, and Travel Services. Additionally, WCG offers products like Love Biome, The Microbiome Company, focusing on the importance of the human microbiome for optimal health, doTERRA International, an integrative health and wellness company and the world leader in the Global Aromatherapy and Essential Oils market and Foria, a brand specializing in sexual health and wellness. Let us help you take your Business to the 3.0 Level & Beyond as well as take care of your travel and healthcare needs.